Educational Tourism program

The Educational Tourism Program is an intensive educational program designed to teach Modern Standard Arabic, its grammar, structures, and characteristics.

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The Educational Tourism Program is an intensive educational program designed to teach Modern Standard Arabic, including its grammar, structures, and characteristics. It aims to equip learners with the linguistic skills necessary to understand the nature of the Arabic language and its governing rules. The goal is to enable effective communication—speaking, listening, reading, and writing—according to the rules of Arabic. The program focuses on mastering important grammatical and structural elements of Modern Standard Arabic and enriching learners with a substantial vocabulary, thereby building their knowledge base and behavioral skills.


The program targets anyone who can read and write in Arabic, aiming to enable them to master Modern Standard Arabic and excel in its skills—speaking, public speaking, and communication. It also seeks to equip them with a number of essential life and leadership skills.

The Arabic language is honored by Allah Almighty for its permanence, as it is the language of the Quran and the Sunnah. It is one of the most important languages in the world and represents the cornerstone of Arabic culture. Additionally, it is distinguished by its long history and its rich literary and intellectual heritage.

Therefore, the importance of teaching Arabic lies in its status as the language of the Quran and the Sunnah. Learning it is obligatory for Muslims because understanding the Quran and the Sunnah depends on it, and worship cannot be properly performed without it.

Since the Book of Allah grants its reader the ability to correctly pronounce Arabic letters and the ability to read and write in Arabic, as well as understand Arabic culture through Quranic culture, there is no doubt that a student who reads the Book of Allah possesses a substantial vocabulary. This makes it easier for them to understand the meanings of words in Arabic and use them in daily life. Consequently, such a student is significantly better prepared to learn Arabic more quickly than other students.

  1. Mastery of Arabic in the context of Arab heritage and Islamic civilization.
  2. Fostering positive attitudes among students towards learning Arabic and understanding Arab culture.
  3. Enhancing students' moral and ethical values through educational and ethical programs.
  4. Equipping students with various life skills, such as communication skills and leadership skills, etc.

  1. Ability to read and write in Arabic.
  2. Seriousness and discipline of the learner.
  3. Passing the personal interview for program admission.
  4. Attendance at the program orientation session.

Participants in the program must adhere to all program regulations, the most important of which is consistently speaking Arabic, both during learning sessions and in daily life, including within student housing. They must not violate the rules and regulations—whether at the training center or in the designated student housing—and must refrain from engaging in any illegal or inappropriate activities.

If a student violates the instructions—the instructions document that is signed by the student and the educational institution before the student's travel—the project-owning company, "Tabah Company," has the right to suspend the student from the program and send them back to their home country, with the student bearing the cost of return travel tickets.

The scheduled duration for completing the Educational Tourism Program is two months. The program will be held this year, 1446/2024, according to the following timeline:

The First Educational Tourism Program for the year 2024 (1445/1446 AH)

Program ScheduleRequirements
1. Registration and Acceptance

Registration is done through the Tabah Academy website, and the student must comply with the registration requirements listed on the website, which are:

  • Completing the initial acceptance form.
  • Conducting a personal interview.
  • Attending the orientation meeting via video call.
2. Travel to JeddahThe Academy does not bear the cost of tickets. The date of travel and the date of arrival in Jeddah are determined by the Academy.
3. Perform UmrahStudents are received at Jeddah Airport, then travel to Mecca to perform Umrah, and from there to Medina to complete the educational tourism program.
4. Residence in MedinaTravel to Medina for accommodation and to complete all educational tourism visit programs.
5. Tourism ProgramsA total of 8 tourism programs, including visits to historical and cultural sites in Mecca and Medina.
6. Educational ProgramAn Arabic language teaching program through a morning training institute (4 hours) and an evening program in the residence for (4 hours) daily, five days a week.
7. Graduation CeremonyThe graduation ceremony is held at the end of the program, and certificates are awarded to the graduating students.
8. Return to CountryReturn tickets are booked according to the end date of the educational program and the number of participating students.
  • Training courses and enrichment programs are organized during the academic program and according to the number of participants.

1. Eight weeks of study, divided into three levels, detailed as follows:

  • Level 1: 20 days
  • Level 2: 20 days
  • Level 3: 20 days

2. The student officially progresses to the next level after completing all the required tasks of the current level.

3. The student receives an accredited certificate from the program upon completing each level.

  • The "Arabic Between Your Hands" series (Book 2, 3, 4).
  • Studying the meanings of words from three parts of the Quran.
  • Studying the meanings of words from 300 hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Studying a book on Arab history to learn about Arab culture.
  • Presenting a research project in Arabic at the end of the course.
  • Various enrichment programs to help students speak Arabic fluently.

  1. $1200 (One thousand two hundred US dollars) for all activities of the educational tourism program, including accommodation, housing in Medina, and transportation to and from the institute for two months. This also includes the cultural and tourism program and the Umrah trip.
  2. Participants are responsible for the cost of travel tickets, which can be arranged through Tabah Company in coordination with an accredited airline office.

  • Placement test.
  • Performance assessment tests for each level.
  • Comprehensive exam at the end of the course.
  • Research project for each level.

This distinctive program offers the following features:

  1. Accommodation in Medina and the opportunity to perform some prayers and the Friday prayer in the Prophet's Mosque.
  2. Certificate from an accredited institute in teaching Arabic.
  3. Outstanding students in the program have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship in Saudi Arabia.
  4. Exploring many Islamic historical sites in the Mecca and Medina regions.

The trainee receives an accredited completion certificate, which allows the trainee to achieve the following tasks:

  1. The learner will be able to continue seeking knowledge in the Arabic language.
  2. The learner will be able to guide tours in Arabic.
  3. The learner will be able to participate in programs for training Arabic language teachers.

Dear student, you can register for this program through the registration office or via our website here.

Register now, as the slots are limited and opportunities like this don't come often.

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The Educational Tourism Program is an intensive educational program designed to teach Modern Standard Arabic, its grammar, structures, and characteristics.

Educational tourism programme, first course
The Program : Educational Tourism program
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أسئلة وإجابات حول منصة طابة " هيا نتعلم العربية"

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