What about the Taba educational platform?

The Taba Educational Platform is an electronic educational platform specialized in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers in various parts of the world. The platform offers its educational programs to various target groups. The platform welcomes all those wishing to learn the Arabic language - whether they are interested in studying the Arabic language or university students, through the following two programs:

Self-education program
It allows individuals to learn personally. According to a gradual plan that enables them - at a certain stage - to speak, understand and communicate in classical Arabic.
Institutional Learning Program
Provides students with the opportunity to communicate directly with the Arabic language. Through conversation material; Which is held at a rate of two to four hours per week; According to the student’s level, according to his academic schedule, and after the end of the program: the student receives a certificate from his institution, in addition to another certificate from the “Speak Arabic” platform that proves his competence and ability to speak classical Arabic.

The platform was developed to achieve our vision of creating a unique and distinct e-learning experience in learning the Arabic language. The platform aims to give those wishing to learn the Arabic language a valuable opportunity to practice speaking the Arabic language in an interactive way. According to an educational curriculum that enables them to develop their linguistic skills, expand their cultural awareness, and identify what motivates students to focus on the educational content, it also clearly facilitates the follow-up of academic achievement, and encourages interaction with activities related to the subjects studied.

The most important basic features of the “Taba Educational” platform

Live educational conversations

The platform includes live interactive sessions; Direct human contact enhances the vitality and enrichment of the educational process. It increases the student's motivation to learn, as well as creating an active social environment.

Video lectures

The platform provides a visual library and an active educational channel. It helps students enhance knowledge, review and evaluate, and review educational materials on an ongoing basis. It also provides students with everything they need during their educational journey.

Interactive exercises

Through interactive exercises, assessment activities, and experimental tests, the platform enables teachers to evaluate students’ progress and achieve educational goals, while helping students acquire targeted language skills.

Certificates of completion

When the student possesses and masters the language skills required for the level he is studying, he can obtain a certificate of achievement. Which confirms his proficiency in the Arabic language.

Arabic speaking community

The platform provides students and teachers with a rich environment for interaction, discussion and dialogue. Such as: virtual classrooms, discussion forums, discussion rooms, etc., which makes self-learning an intelligent experience similar to learning inside school classrooms.

Richness, diversity and renewal

The Tabah platform continues to renew and develop its educational content, as a service for teaching the Arabic language, taking advantage of all the diverse sources, international experiences, and tools that help students speak the Arabic language fluently and eloquently.


أسئلة وإجابات حول منصة طابة " هيا نتعلم العربية"

  • هل الدراسة في منصة طابة مجانية؟
  • ما النموذج التعليميّ الذي تطبقه المنصة في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها؟
  • هل تمنحون شهادات معتمدة؟
  • ما برنامج المنح التدريبية؟
  • لماذا لا يوجد سوى عدد محدود من الطلاب حاليًا؟
  • ما المنهج المعتمد لديكم في تدريس اللغة العربية للطلاب؟
  • ما الخدمات التي تقدمها المنصة لمعلمي اللغة العربية؟
  • ما المواد الدراسية التي تقدمها منصة طابة؟
  • باختصار، كيف ستتم الدراسة في طابة؟