
About Us


Taba Educational Program in Medina

A social-legal entity affiliated with the Endowments Authority No. (5159), which was established on the second of the month of Dhul-Hijjah of the year 1444 AH, corresponding to June 20, 2023 AD. This endowment was allocated to serve education in the field of sciences of the Holy Qur’an, the Noble Prophet’s Sunnah, teaching the Arabic language, and everything that serves These two fields are spread throughout the world through a system of educational and pedagogical programs and activities.

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Learning the Arabic language is part of the religion, and knowing it is the basis for understanding the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and the Prophet, and it is the language of the Companions, followers, and righteous predecessors from the nation of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Language proficiency program

The Linguistic Proficiency Program is an intensive educational program to teach the classical Arabic language, its rules, structures, and characteristics, and to provide learners with the linguistic skills that make them able to understand the nature of the Arabic language and the rules that govern it, with the aim of communicating effectively - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - according to the rules of the Arabic language, and mastering the formative and grammatical elements. The task of the classical Arabic language is to provide learners with a large number of linguistic vocabulary, and to build their cognitive and behavioral balance.
The Arabic language is a language that God Almighty has honored by remaining; He made it the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and it is one of the most important and sophisticated languages in the world, and represents the main pillar in building the Islamic nation and the individual. It is also distinguished by its long history and literary and intellectual wealth.
Hence: The importance of the program lies in teaching the Arabic language. Teaching it is obligatory for Muslims. Because understanding the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet depends on it, and worship cannot be completed without it.

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Arabic Eloquence program

The “Fasih” program is based on enriching the student with the subtleties of the Arabic language. Developing his linguistic wealth with vocabulary and synonyms. And strengthening its connection with rhetoric and literature - poetry and prose. The program also adds to the student of the language of Dhaad the study of rhetorical texts in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and knowledge of the aspects of Arabic rhetoric in the miraculous Book of God, and in the speech of the Prophet of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, contained in his hadiths - aspects of its beauty. The science of the Arabic language was combined with the science of Sharia - in two combinations. Al-Shatibi - may God sanctify his pure soul - said: “Sharia law is Arabic, and if it is Arabic, it will not be understood properly except by those who truly understand the Arabic language.” It is also considered a foundation for building a good personality. Imam Al-Shafi’i, may God bless his soul, said: “Learn Arabic, for it strengthens the mind and increases chivalry.”


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Takalam Arabia Program

Enjoy the Arabic language, live with the splendor of the language of the Great Qur’an, and the beauty of the Prophet’s Sunnah, learn about Arab culture, and benefit from the great Arab Islamic heritage.

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Professional development program

Professional development program

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Educational Tourism program

The Educational Tourism Program is an intensive educational program designed to teach Modern Standard Arabic, its grammar, structures, and characteristics.

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General Diploma program

General Diploma program

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Latest Courses

Enjoy the Arabic language, live with the splendor of the language of the Great Qur’an, and the beauty of the Prophet’s Sunnah, learn about Arab culture, and benefit from the great Arab Islamic heritage.

Educational tourism programme, first course
The Program : Educational Tourism program

برنامج السياحة التعليمية هو برنامج تعليميّ مكثف لتعليم اللغة العربية الفصحى وقواعدها وتراكيبها وخصائصها، وتزويد الدارسين بالمهارات اللغويّة التي تجعلهم قادرين على فهم طبيعة اللغة العربيّة والقواعد التي تضبطها، بهدف التواصل بفاعليّة 

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Staff and Trainers


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أسئلة وإجابات حول منصة طابة " هيا نتعلم العربية"

  • هل الدراسة في منصة طابة مجانية؟
  • ما النموذج التعليميّ الذي تطبقه المنصة في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها؟
  • هل تمنحون شهادات معتمدة؟
  • ما برنامج المنح التدريبية؟
  • لماذا لا يوجد سوى عدد محدود من الطلاب حاليًا؟
  • ما المنهج المعتمد لديكم في تدريس اللغة العربية للطلاب؟
  • ما الخدمات التي تقدمها المنصة لمعلمي اللغة العربية؟
  • ما المواد الدراسية التي تقدمها منصة طابة؟
  • باختصار، كيف ستتم الدراسة في طابة؟