Language proficiency program

The Linguistic Proficiency Program is an intensive educational program to teach the classical Arabic language, its rules, structures, and characteristics, and to provide learners with the linguistic skills that make them able to understand the nature of the Arabic language and the rules that govern it, with the aim of communicating effectively - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - according to the rules of the Arabic language, and mastering the formative and grammatical elements. The task of the classical Arabic language is to provide learners with a large number of linguistic vocabulary, and to build their cognitive and behavioral balance.
The Arabic language is a language that God Almighty has honored by remaining; He made it the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and it is one of the most important and sophisticated languages in the world, and represents the main pillar in building the Islamic nation and the individual. It is also distinguished by its long history and literary and intellectual wealth.
Hence: The importance of the program lies in teaching the Arabic language. Teaching it is obligatory for Muslims. Because understanding the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet depends on it, and worship cannot be completed without it.


The program targets memorizing the Book of God Almighty, and proficient in reading the Holy Qur’an. With the aim of enabling them to master the classical Arabic language and master its skills - speaking, rhetoric, and communication, and to provide them with a number of life leadership skills.

The Arabic language is a language that God Almighty has honored by remaining; As it made it the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, it is one of the most important and sophisticated languages in the world, and represents the main pillar in building the Islamic nation and the individual. It is also distinguished by its long history and its literary and intellectual wealth. Hence: The importance of the program lies in teaching the Arabic language. Teaching it is obligatory for Muslims. Because understanding the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet depends on it, and worship cannot be completed without it.
Enabling memorizers and readers of the Book of God to possess the skills of speaking fluently in the Arabic language, and the ability to search and benefit from Arabic references and books, opens wide horizons for them in learning the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and it is also a major factor in transforming this memorizer into a student of knowledge. He contributes well to spreading Islamic awareness in his environment, which is in great need of people like him.

Mastering the Arabic language in the context of the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Islamic civilization for a targeted number of memorizers of the Book of God.

Enabling students to possess the skills of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.

Promoting positive attitudes among students towards learning the Arabic language and understanding the meanings of the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and science.

Working to enhance the student’s moral value building and pride in Islamic culture through moral educational programs.

Working to provide the student with a number of life skills; Such as: communication skills, leadership skills, etc.

Helping students to acquire public speaking and delivery skills in Arabic And the ability to influence The Arab listener must achieve the speaker's goals.

Helping students to recognize some aspects of eloquence and eloquence in the Qur’an The Holy One and the Sunnah Purified prophetic.

Focus on teaching the Arabic language away from different sects and ideologies.

Emphasizing the rejection of differences and deepening the principle of the unity of the Islamic nation.

Not to participate in any way in or be exposed to issues with political dimensions.

Reviving the classical Arabic language and taking pride in it.

Taking care of the sources of Arab culture and preserving the Islamic heritage.

Memorizing five parts of the Holy Quran - at a minimum.

Ability to write and read in Arabic.

The seriousness and discipline of the student.

Limited to men, not women.

Passing the personal interview for admission to the program.

The applicant’s age must not be less than eighteen years and not more than twenty-five years.

Attending the program introductory meeting on February 15, 2023.

The student participating in the program is required to adhere to all program regulations. The most important of which is speaking Arabic constantly, while learning, in daily life, and within student housing. Not to violate the regulations and instructions - whether in the training center or in the housing designated for students, and not to engage in any illegal or inappropriate activity.
If the student violates the instructions - the instruction document that is expected by the student and the educational institution before the learner travels - then the company that owns the project, “Taba Company,” has the right to suspend the student from the program and return him to Kyrgyzstan. The learner will be charged the costs of return travel tickets.

Fifteen academic weeks; It is divided into three levels, explained as follows: (First level: five weeks, Second level: five weeks, Third level: five weeks).

After each level, the student officially moves to the next level after completing all requirements.

The student receives an accredited certificate from the program upon completion of each level.

The student chooses a sub-specialization of life skills after the first month in the program: tourism, marketing, e-commerce, secretarial, design, Photoshop, etc.

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The Linguistic Proficiency Program is an intensive educational program to teach the classical Arabic language, its rules, structures, and characteristics, and to provide learners with the linguistic skills that make them able to understand the nature of the Arabic language and the rules that govern it.

First course
Porgram : Linguistic competence

The Arabic language is a language that God Almighty has honored by remaining; He made it the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and it is one of the most important and sophisticated languages in the world

More Of the details

Language proficiency program

The Linguistic Proficiency Program is an intensive educational program to teach the classical Arabic language, its rules, structures, and characteristics, and to provide learners with the linguistic skills that make them able to understand the nature of the Arabic language and the rules that govern it, with the aim of communicating effectively - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - according to the rules of the Arabic language, and mastering the formative and grammatical elements. The task of the classical Arabic language is to provide learners with a large number of linguistic vocabulary, and to build their cognitive and behavioral balance.
The Arabic language is a language that God Almighty has honored by remaining; He made it the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and it is one of the most important and sophisticated languages in the world, and represents the main pillar in building the Islamic nation and the individual. It is also distinguished by its long history and literary and intellectual wealth.
Hence: The importance of the program lies in teaching the Arabic language. Teaching it is obligatory for Muslims. Because understanding the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet depends on it, and worship cannot be completed without it.


The program targets memorizing the Book of God Almighty, and proficient in reading the Holy Qur’an. With the aim of enabling them to master the classical Arabic language and master its skills - speaking, rhetoric, and communication, and to provide them with a number of life leadership skills.

The Arabic language is a language that God Almighty has honored by remaining; As it made it the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, it is one of the most important and sophisticated languages in the world, and represents the main pillar in building the Islamic nation and the individual. It is also distinguished by its long history and its literary and intellectual wealth. Hence: The importance of the program lies in teaching the Arabic language. Teaching it is obligatory for Muslims. Because understanding the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet depends on it, and worship cannot be completed without it.
Enabling memorizers and readers of the Book of God to possess the skills of speaking fluently in the Arabic language, and the ability to search and benefit from Arabic references and books, opens wide horizons for them in learning the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and it is also a major factor in transforming this memorizer into a student of knowledge. He contributes well to spreading Islamic awareness in his environment, which is in great need of people like him.

Mastering the Arabic language in the context of the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Islamic civilization for a targeted number of memorizers of the Book of God.

Enabling students to possess the skills of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.

Promoting positive attitudes among students towards learning the Arabic language and understanding the meanings of the Holy Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and science.

Working to enhance the student’s moral value building and pride in Islamic culture through moral educational programs.

Working to provide the student with a number of life skills; Such as: communication skills, leadership skills, etc.

Helping students to acquire public speaking and delivery skills in Arabic And the ability to influence The Arab listener must achieve the speaker’s goals.

Helping students to recognize some aspects of eloquence and eloquence in the Qur’an The Holy One and the Sunnah Purified prophetic.

Focus on teaching the Arabic language away from different sects and ideologies.

Emphasizing the rejection of differences and deepening the principle of the unity of the Islamic nation.

Not to participate in any way in or be exposed to issues with political dimensions.

Reviving the classical Arabic language and taking pride in it.

Taking care of the sources of Arab culture and preserving the Islamic heritage.

Memorizing five parts of the Holy Quran - at a minimum.

Ability to write and read in Arabic.

The seriousness and discipline of the student

Limited to men, not women.

Passing the personal interview for admission to the program.

The applicant’s age must not be less than eighteen years and not more than twenty-five years.

Attending the program introductory meeting on February 15, 2023.

The student participating in the program is required to adhere to all program regulations. The most important of which is speaking Arabic constantly, while learning, in daily life, and within student housing. Not to violate the regulations and instructions - whether in the training center or in the housing designated for students, and not to engage in any illegal or inappropriate activity.
If the student violates the instructions - the instruction document that is expected by the student and the educational institution before the learner travels - then the company that owns the project, “Taba Company,” has the right to suspend the student from the program and return him to Kyrgyzstan. The learner will be charged the costs of return travel tickets.

Fifteen academic weeks; It is divided into three levels, explained as follows: (First level: five weeks, Second level: five weeks, Third level: five weeks).

After each level, the student officially moves to the next level after completing all requirements.

The student receives an accredited certificate from the program upon completion of each level.

The student chooses a sub-specialization of life skills after the first month in the program: tourism, marketing, e-commerce, secretarial, design, Photoshop, etc.

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The Linguistic Proficiency Program is an intensive educational program to teach the classical Arabic language, its rules, structures, and characteristics, and to provide learners with the linguistic skills that make them able to understand the nature of the Arabic language and the rules that govern it.

First session
Program: Linguistic proficiency

The Arabic language is a language that God Almighty has honored by remaining; He made it the language of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and it is one of the most important and sophisticated languages in the world

More Of the details

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